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Foreign citizens

Benefits from the social insurance system for foreign citizens

The Social Insurance Agency manages social insurance in Sweden. There are two types of benefits – residence-based which are granted when an individual is considered to be resident of Sweden, and work-based, which are based on being in employment. (Read more via the link below.)

If you have an employed position, for example as a doctoral candidate, you are always entitled to residence-based benefits e.g. children’s allowance and dental care allowance, from the first day of residence if it is believed that you intend to stay in Sweden for more than one year.

If you are a doctoral candidate on a scholarship or have other funding, you cannot normally receive such benefits. This applies even if you have been granted a permanent residence permit.

However, if you are a postdoc on a scholarship, you may be entitled to residence-based benefits if you intend to settle in Sweden for more than one year.

In addition, doctoral candidates who are employed are entitled to work-based benefits such as parental leave allowance (there is a qualifying period) and sickness benefit.

If you apply for an extended residence permit in good time, you are entitled to retain residence-based and work-based benefits while you are waiting for a residency decision.

Special rules may apply to EU citizens or those who previously resided in the EU – read more through the link below.

Read more about the Swedish social insurance system.